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Head of Department: Miss J Gipson

The Mathematics School of Learning has 13 teachers. The department is based across two accommodation blocks which means that resources can be easily distributed and shared amongst staff.

Within the department, we also run a ‘drop-in’ session, where any student can come and get support with either their classwork or homework, every lunchtime in Ma17. These sessions are run by teaching assistants alongside members of the department. In addition, we run support sessions after school for selected students, gifted and talented sessions for our most able mathematicians and revision sessions every Thursday after school for our Year 11 and resit students studying for their Maths GCSE.

The department schemes of work are designed to engage students and encourage both breadth and depth of knowledge. Students study content that is in line with their ability, which enables us to support students who are struggling whilst challenging the ablest.

Every maths classroom has a Numeracy trolley, which is equipped with ‘easy to grab’ resources for mental warm-ups and plenaries. Each area within the department also has a box containing additional resources such as geometric shapes, multi-link cubes and Cuisenaire rods.

The department has 10 classrooms all fitted with interactive whiteboards and over 40 laptops available to all students.

Teaching Staff

  • Miss J Gipson - Head of Department
  • Mrs Claughton
  • Mr Craske
  • Mr Davison
  • Mr Green
  • Mrs Hoare
  • Mr Hopper
  • Mr B Jones
  • Mrs Matigh
  • Mrs Okorie
  • Mrs Rivers
  • Miss Scott
  • Mr Yeatman
  • Miss Zhang

Maths Clubs and Trips

  • Maths club every lunchtime in Ma17
  • Pi Day – 14th March
  • Decimal Day – 10th October
  • Canterbury Christ Church University PGCE Training Workshops
  • Cross-Curricular Links
  • Trips to Kent University
  • Presentations/Talks by external providers (including the Further Maths Support Programme)
  • Gifted and Talented Workshops
  • Peer Maths Mentoring
  • Origami Club
  • Weekly Revision Sessions
  • UKMT Maths Challenge participation

What do our children study?


Following recent changes to the GCSE Students will be assessed through 3 examination papers. There will be two calculator examinations and one non-calculator. Each paper is 1hour 30minutes long. There are still two tiers of entry but the grades are now numerical: Foundation (Grade 1-5) and Higher (Grades 4-9). All students will sit the OCR GCSE maths paper. As Maths is a core subject it is still the expectation that all students will complete the programme in year 11.


Students who have successfully completed the Higher Level GCSE and have obtained a Grade 7 or higher are in a strong position to begin the A-Level course. It is important that all students wishing to study an A-Level in Mathematics have a genuine enthusiasm for the subject and are willing to work hard.

All students will sit the OCR A-Level Maths exams at the end of a two-year programme of study. The A level mathematics qualification offers a three-paper model with defined content and calculator usage allowed in all three papers. The 3 papers are Pure Mathematics, Pure Mathematics and Statistics and Pure Mathematics and Mechanics. Pure Mathematics is the study of the underlying elements of algebra and geometry.

It replaces the previous modules of Core 1,2,3 and 4. Applied Mathematics comprises of Statistics and Mechanics. Statistics is the study and analysis of data and information. It builds on the data handling topics studied at GCSE and holds strong links with Psychology and Economics. Mechanics is the study of forces, energy and motion. It is useful to study alongside A-Level Physics and provides a good foundation for studying engineering subjects at university level.

The whole course is designed to make the subject interesting and relevant. Good use will be made of graphical calculators, computers and practical work where appropriate. The course is supported by a series of student tests which contain activities which can be studied independently by the student as well as with the help of a teacher. An A-Level in Mathematics is a valuable qualification and is always highly regarded. The subject offers a very appropriate background for many future careers and studies.

Subject Documents Date  
Year 7-9 Learning Journey 02nd Oct 2023 Download
Year 7 Curriculum Map 19th Sep 2024 Download
Year 8 Curriculum Map 19th Sep 2024 Download
Year 9 Curriculum Map 19th Sep 2024 Download
Year 10 Maths Curriculum Plan 13th Sep 2024 Download
Year 11 Maths Curriculum Plan 13th Sep 2024 Download
Year 12 Maths Curriculum Plan 13th Sep 2024 Download
Year 13 Maths Curriculum Plan 13th Sep 2024 Download