Assessing Impact

Herne Bay High School will assess the impact of its careers programme on students through the following activities:

  • Conduct a Compass+ evaluation of the school’s progress towards the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks. This will be completed three times a year and include input from the Careers Lead, our Enterprise Co-ordinator (from the Careers and Enterprise Company) and our careers link governor.
  • analysing destinations data in line with activities that students have taken part in while at school. 
  • DFE school’s performance figures are published in Term 2  16 to 18 - Herne Bay High School - Find school and college performance data in England - GOV.UK (
  • In Term 2 students will complete an annual student survey (the Future Skills Questionnaire) to help us to identify and plan around gaps in their knowledge and confidence around careers education and the options available to them.
  • Student evaluations and feedback will be sought after key events.
  • Staff feedback will be conducted annually in term 4 to identify requirements and opportunities for Continuing Professional Development.
  • The views of parents will be surveyed after key events e.g. The Careers Fair, Careers information evenings, Work Shadowing Day, Year 12 Work Experience and so forth.
  • Employer and staff feedback will be surveyed after key employer encounters where appropriate.

Key findings from the Future Skills Questionnaire

Please note that the FSQ was made available to schools at the end of September 2022. We are rolling this out to all students over the course of the first half of the 2022-23 academic year.


Year 11

Year 13

Survey completed by



Do you feel supported to make your career decisions and choices?



Do you know what skills employers need?



Areas of high confidence/understanding

understanding of different apprenticeship levels; understanding of academic routes; awareness of  employers

university; how to make a good impression; short and long term impacts of career decisions; awareness of local employers.

Areas to be addressed

identifying trustworthy websites; understanding of T levels; 

knowledge of degree apprenticeship levels; knowledge of different interview/recruitment techniques; confidence in interviews.

Improved areas since last FSQ

n/a 2022 was first completion

n/a 2022 was first completion




Key findings from our destinations data (as published by the DfE in Feb 2023) for our 2020 school leavers

Please note – this data is published by the Department for Education with a two-year lag so that these are sustained destinations. That means that these are placements that students stayed in successfully for at least 6 months after starting.

Please also note that these school leavers were directly affected by the pandemic since 2020 was the year that exams were first cancelled and students were guided through the final stages of their destinations planning while at home.

Careers Impact 1

Careers Impact 2